
软件通过处理和分析油气井压裂改造施工后的停泵压降数据,实现单层、单段和全井压裂改造效果评价的过程。其具体过程是测量井口压力、排量和砂浓度数据,通过分析压力降落的变化趋势,达到反演裂缝参数和改造区域(SRV)参数的目的,科学地评价压裂改造效果,为后续油气开采制度的制定和优化提供理论依据。 …… &gt>  详情
Chengong oil and gas nodal analysis software mainly focuses on the formation seepage flow of each well, the pipe flow of wellbore and the throttling of oil and gas nozzle and the prediction of production capacity, and provides the optimization of integrated production system from underground, throttle valve and surface... >> Details
According to the actual situation of formation oil and gas water, the high pressure physical parameters of oil, gas and water (PVT) calculation, the fluid phase state calculation based on flashing, bottom hole pressure calculation, wellbore pressure and temperature calculation, productivity well testing and prediction, etc. are proceed... >> Details
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