













Products>>Project Development>>Theoretical Well Testing of Fracture-Hole Type Reservoir Fluctuation and Pipe-Seepage Coupling Well Testing

The well testing technology is an important method to evaluate oil-gas reservoir dynamics, well completion efficiency and effect of measures, identify geological characteristics/parameters of reservoir. According to the issue that regular well testing technology can not evaluate carbonate formation fracture-hole scale and some other information, we developed our method and the breakthrough of well testing theory of fracture-hole reservoir has been preliminarily realized. Based on the preliminary research, the Project further develops and perfects the theory and method of fracture-hole type well testing.

Improvement of well testing theory of fluctuation pipe-seepage coupling fracture-hole reservoir.

Improvement of well  testing theory of fracture-hole reservoir considering gravity effect.

Equation of  characteristic parameters research of fluctuation and flow coupling well testing.

Dimensionless parameters definition and analysis.

Improvement of well testing theory of fluctuation pipe-flow coupling fracture-hole reservoir.

New seepage equations   considering gravity effect.

Definition of  dimensionless parameters considering gravity effect.

Solution of  dimensionless equations considering gravity effect.

Method of fracture-hole reservoir well testing considering gravity effect: According to well-hole-fracture model; well-hole-fracture-hole-fracture model; well-fracture-hole-fracture model and well-fracture-hole-fracture model, combing dimensionless parameters by pressure and derivative simulation, time and pressure simulated value can be obtained. We can get inversion of formation and fracture-hole parameters by pressure recovery curve.

Application of well testing interpretation method for Wave-Pipe-permeability coupled fracture-hole Reservoir.

Beaded flow is vertically and the gravity effect plays an important role, the project considers gravity effect creatively, perfects fracture-hole reservoir well testing theory and describes the physical meaning of new parameters systematically, improves the combination of indoor well testing interpretation and field measure guidance the advantages are unique.

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