








Products>>Project Development>>Study on basic theory and technical method of deep atmospheric field water control development

Reasonable production allocation of gas wells is a subject that has been explored in gas well development, but it is far from being solved. Due to different geological conditions (fractures, bedrock, karst caves, etc.), well completion methods (perforation, fracturing, etc.), edge and bottom water positions and quantities of different gas fields, the production allocation methods are also different. For example, Moxi Longwangmiao is a  fracture-cave gas reservoir, Kela 2 gas field is a pore reservoir, and Dina is a fracture pore reservoir. Large gas fields such as Sinopec Chuanke and Yuanba are typical marine deposits with deep reservoir burial. They are reservoirs containing natural fractures. High gas production can be obtained through acid fracturing.

Due to the difference of formation conditions of Longwangmiao, Kela and Chuanke gas reservoirs, the flow patterns of gas reservoirs are also different, and the seepage models relied on for large-scale calculation and analysis such as well test data interpretation, production data analysis and numerical simulation are also different. Therefore, it is difficult to form a production allocation model and standard, and to obtain a unified formula for gas well production allocation. Even for complex geological structures and development models, it is difficult to establish seepage mathematical equations (or solve flow equations). Therefore, the project will conduct comprehensive research from four aspects: gas well production allocation, theoretical formula, indoor experiment, equivalent numerical simulation and big data, and strive to make a breakthrough in the basic theory of gas well production allocation, so as to guide the development of large gas fields in China.

Research on reasonable production allocation method of gas wells considering water invasion dominant channel index: complete theoretical derivation of water breakthrough time, analysis of sensitive parameters, and preliminary sorting of big data materials.

Study on relative permeability curve of different types of  reservoir displacement and imbibition process: complete sample displacement and imbibition experiment and molecular dynamics modeling.

Research on equivalent numerical simulation method considering phase permeability lag and water seal gas effect: complete the research on equivalent numerical simulation method, the water film measurement experiment of water seal gas, and  continue molecular dynamics calculation.

Research on technical policy of gas field development optimization based on big data analysis: complete big data analysis, screen out influencing factors of water breakthrough time, and give reasonable production allocation method.

Over the years, our company has carried out research on gas field water control development, and studied the production allocation theory of gas wells according to different geological conditions (fractures, bedrock, karst caves, etc.), different well completion methods (perforation, fracturing, etc.) and different positions and quantities of edge and bottom water of different gas fields; With the goal of gas field water control development and enhanced oil recovery, the research on basic theories and technical methods will have a good leading advantage in the development of large gas fields in China in the future.

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